Decorating an old home can be a challenge. You have charm, character, and history on your side, but it’s not always easy to get the right look or feel. The first step is embracing what’s special about the home itself—then you can find ways to modernize it while still preserving that unique feeling. In this article, we’ll discuss how to create a beautiful and comfortable space in any old house with these tips:
Embrace the old
When you’re decorating an old home, it can be difficult to decide what to keep and what to replace. In some cases, the best thing that you can do is embrace the old and incorporate it into your new space. A few simple ideas will help you turn an older home into a beautiful place to live:
- Look for ways to reuse old materials. Maybe there’s an antique piece of furniture or an old door that would look great as part of your new design scheme. If it fits in with the style of your house and doesn’t need any major repairs, why not use it?
- Add a modern touch. You don’t need everything in your house to be super old-fashioned! It’s okay if some elements stand out as being more modern than others—it’ll add visual interest without taking away from the overall aesthetic of your home (unless you have a specific goal in mind).
- Add personal touches wherever possible. If there are things from childhood or special memories associated with certain rooms or items, incorporate them whenever possible into their new design so that they don’t feel too foreign when family members visit (or just because they’re sentimental).
- If you’re going to renovate an older home, try to keep the overall design simple. You don’t want it to look like a crazy mishmash of different styles and eras—it should be clear that everything belongs together in one cohesive space.
Find a modern interpretation of the style
- Make sure that the style of your home is compatible with your lifestyle.
- Find a modern interpretation of the style and use it as a jumping-off point.
- Use modern materials to update the look, such as glass, wood, or metal accents. These can be used in furniture pieces like end tables or shelves as well as in artwork and other decor accessories throughout your home.
- Don’t be afraid to let your personality shine through! You want everything about this space to reflect who you are.
The key is to not be afraid to mix different styles and materials. You can find furniture pieces that work in any space and make them feel like they belong by using colour, texture, and pattern. A great way to achieve this is by using a neutral base colour for your walls with an accent wall of a bolder hue. This will help draw the eye around the room while blending everything together seamlessly.
Flooring is a big part of the look in an older home
Flooring is a big part of the look in an older home. A classic choice is hardwood floors, which can be restored and refinished or covered with new layers of varnish to achieve an antique look. Tile is also a good choice for bathrooms and kitchens because it’s durable, easy to clean, and comes in many styles to complement many decorating styles. Carpeting is often used in bedrooms because it provides warmth without sacrificing comfort. It’s also easy to clean; just vacuum regularly!
If you’re going with tile or hardwood floors, consider reclaimed wood planks that have been recycled from old barns or other structures from around your area. Finally, there are concrete floors which can be difficult if not impossible—and expensive—to replace if damaged due to wear-and-tear over time!
Update bathroom and kitchen fixtures
The bathroom and kitchen are the two rooms in your home that require the most updating. Bathroom fixtures have come a long way in recent years, so you might as well give it an update while you’re at it.
Kitchen appliances have changed over time as well, and now there are some rather unique options available that can give your kitchen a modern feel without breaking the bank. If your kitchen is still sporting old-school appliances like electric stoves or refrigerators with dials instead of digital displays, consider replacing them with newer models. These days, there are also many appliance brands offering energy-efficient models that will save money on electricity bills throughout their lifetime—and they look great too!
Make it practical
- Use the space wisely. You don’t want to waste valuable square footage by cramming too many things into an area that’s too small for them. Instead, make sure you have enough storage space and furniture for everything you want to put in it.
- Make sure there’s enough light in the rooms you use most often (such as the kitchen) and make sure the light itself is comfortable.
- Keep your home warm enough to keep out freezing temperatures during winter months and cool enough to prevent excessive heat buildup during hot summer months by preparing for each season when planning out your decorations.
- Make sure you’re comfortable with the layout of your home and that you have everything you need to live in it.
Decorate an old home by embracing what makes it charming and special, while creating a sense of flow and contrast
As you begin the process of decorating your old home, it’s important to start with a plan.
- Make sure you have a budget in place before anything else. Look at what your space can accommodate and then determine what’s most important for you to spend money on—this will help narrow down the options for each room and give you a better idea of how much money you’ll need overall.
- Decide what kind of style you want throughout your house: dramatic, conservative, traditional? This will influence the colors and patterns used throughout each room as well as which furniture pieces are purchased.
- Once those decisions are made regarding colour scheme and furniture style, choose paint colors accordingly (or let someone else do it). A well-chosen paint color can really enhance an old home’s charm by bringing out its original character while also complementing existing décor items such as artwork or accessories with similar hues.
Take a look at our projects to get some ideas on how you can decorate or develop your own home.
We hope you found this article helpful. If you have any questions about your own home, don’t hesitate to reach out! Contact us today and our team can help you develop your property.